Welcome to typingtutor!



As typingtutor is only available on Github, the easiest way to install it is via devtools:



After starting R, load the typingtutor library:


To practice typing on the Github repo tidyverse/dplyr, simply enter


or, for another repo, enter the Github repository path as an argument:


The user is presented with a choice of R files and then groups of R expressions within those files for which to type on. A maximum of 1000 characters will be presented to the user, and functions longer than 1000 characters are truncated.

The typingtutor companion webpage

You can always get to the typingtutor companion website by typing visit_site() in R or by visiting


which will redirect to


if the user is not signed in. Currently, a Github account is required for authentication to the typingtutor companion page.

Saving data

After practicing on a typing tutor expression group, the user will be given the option to save to the typingtutor companion page. For the first time in every new R session, the user will have to enter a "authentication metadata string" at a prompt. Once signed into the typingtutor companion webpage, this is accomplished by clicking the green button, pressing CTRL + C and Enter, and pasting the resulting string back into the R prompt.

Saving is optional, and the user may use the typingtutor without ever saving to the typingtutor companion webpage.